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- In urma cu 3 ani, in februarie 2014, am fost diagnosticata cu cancer de san. In mai putin de o luna, pe 5 martie, eram deja programata pentru operatie la Dl. Prof. Fatih Agalar. Cred ca noi, mamele, in momentul aflarii acestei vesti terifiante, nu ne gandim decat la copiii nostri. “Oare o sa-mi vad fata terminand facultatea? Nu o sa fiu prezenta la nunta…ei, nu o sa-mi cunosc nepotii… intr-un cuvant, nu o sa mai pot fi prezenta la toate incercarile , evenimente, fie ele bune sau rele, ale fiicei mele? “ Dar, uite-ma acum, prin minunea facuta de Dl. Prof. Fatih ( acest om minunat care este mai mult decat un doctor, are un suflet cat un univers) alaturi de Dumnezeu, sunt bine! Si da, voi fi prezenta la absolvirea fiicei mele, voi fi acolo cand va depune juramantul in luna octombrie, cand va jura ca va fi un doctor bun si va salva vieti. Multumesc , Domnule Prof. Fatih Agalar!!
- My name is Patricia Vlad, I am from Bucharest, Romania and I am 24 years old.
Please send this letter of thanks to Prof. Dr. Necdet Uskent in appreciation and respect for taking care of me throughout the period of my treatment (1 year), thing he does with every patient of his. I thank him for helping me fight with my health problems, he is more than a simple physician prescribing a treatment. Alongside of him and the wonderful medical team that was occupied by my case, I felt like I was blessed. I can say that Prof. Dr. Necdet Uskent helped me reborn. I would like to thank the translations team (Romania). Along with this wonderful team I felt like I was home, our relationship was not confined to be strictly professional on the contrary I tied beautiful friendships. I thank everyone for the promptness they have shown when I needed some fixes in various situations. I also want to thank the nurses who took care of me for their patience.
Along the entire team I received the best treatment, specially customized for my needs. Three years have passed and I feel very well, I resumed my life from the point before I got sick.I gladly wait to come back to Anadolu, to see again my dear friends, without them I would not have been so healthy.
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